The Town Shop doesn’t fundraise – most times when we need something, for whatever reason,
the universe gives it to us. Call it karmic or cosmic, but we love the organic methods in which
our needs are met by our community without the need to extend our hand. We do, however, want to
guide your decisions towards the best means of support if this is how you wish to give back.
Explore our options for volunteering, donating, and supporting our mission below!
The Town Shop utilizes unconventional means of spreading our mission, including word-of-mouth communication & community endorsements of our work. We believe that there are no better representatives of our work than those who were positively impacted by it, and our thousands of alumni are a testament of that. If you know someone whose teen has been struggling to find community, we would be happy to offer them a place in our collective.
How does one achieve this? We recommend writing us reviews on our Facebook or Google, sharing our social media with others, and telling your friends with teenage children or siblings about what we do.

One great way to benefit our mission is to think of us when getting rid of gently used items, such as couches, games, athletic equipment (tennis rackets, balls, outdoor recreation equipment like cross country skis & boots, etc). Our program has been around since 1971, and so has some of our equipment – we are always seeking replacements!
AREAS OF NEED CURRENTLY include billiards equipment like pool cues, couches (some of ours are getting old), Christmas lights for decoration, & live sound equipment like XLR cables, microphones, amps, and instruments for building use and loans for beginner musicians.
Looking to give back more than time and items? Our program doesn’t fundraise, but we are happy to accept donations made out to the Town Shop. Feel free to mail checks for the Town Shop out to 4600 W Genesee St, Syracuse, NY 13219, and make it out to the Town Shop Youth Center. Every cent of donated money gets put directly into our programming, and often goes towards our out-of-town Trips such as our Cape Cod Whale Watch, our New York City & Woodstock Trip, and various other excursions that may be more expensive or inaccessible for some teens.
We also utilize donated funds for maintaining our 170 year-old building. Our pre-1850 building, which overlooked the Erie Canal while it was still operational, requires a lot of time and care. Money going towards this directly benefits the longevity of our historic and beloved facility.

We are always seeking volunteers! Our program appreciates the support of older returning participants as extra eyes and ears and to help make our events run smoothly. If you were a friend of the Town Shop in the past, we would love for you to return and re-join our community as a helpful adult peer and advocate. We also seek professional volunteers in the following areas: Counselors, professional writers or musicians, live-sound, art instructors, teachers, social workers, & students in areas that align with our work and goals.